What are the aims of Watch Schemes?
- Cut crime and the opportunities for crime
- Help and reassure those who live in fear of crime
- Encourage neighbourliness and closer communities
- Tell the police and your neighbours about suspicious incidents in your neighbourhood
What benefits can it bring to your community?
- Messages forwarded to co-ordinators to inform them of crime trends, public information, crime reduction information
- Information Bulletins published 3 times a year and circulated to schemes
- Special Offers on security equipment such as personal alarms, vehicle security, shed alarms, property marking kits etc
- Discounts on house insurance – available from many insurance companies for members of schemes registered with the police
- Most active Watch areas see a reduction in crime and increase in the sense of community spirit and well being
There are several active Neighbourhood Watch Schemes operating in Three Oaks and Guestling. If you would like to know if there is a scheme operating in your area please contact Guestling Green Neighbourhood Watch or Friars Hill Neighbourhood Watch
Paul Fielder is the local Police officer for Rye town and Marsham ward (Pett, Fairlight, Guestling & Three Oaks.)
If you are interested in setting up a neighbourhood watch scheme in your area contact the Rye Neighbourhool Policing team at Rye police station or visit their web page